Many of us have problems getting a full and restful night’s sleep. It’s a problem that can be attributed to situations like a period of severe stress, or it can be related to the onset of a health problem. It could also be a problem you’re genetically disposed to, or it could be related to alcohol consumption. No matter the root of the problem, it’s fairly widespread, with the National Sleep Foundation reporting that almost a third of the American population exhibits some symptoms of insomnia.
And for Seniors, the problem is even more severe. In fact, the website puts a pretty fine point on the problem by suggesting that “More than half of adults over the age of 65 experience at least one problem with sleeping.” Their website goes on to recommend that older adults (those over 65 years of age) need seven to eight hours of good night’s rest. For some, this guideline may fall into the easier-said-then-done bracket, particularly for those plagued by insomnia.
So what’s to be done about it? Well for starters, if you are an insomniac, it’s a good idea to get a full understanding of what insomnia is and what it’s causes are, so that you can determine a corrective course of action. With that as a foundation, you can begin to take steps to deal with the condition and its effects on your quality of life. Our friends at have offered a fairly extensive document titled “The Complete Guide to Insomnia – and How You Can Manage It”. Check it out…it might be a source of relief for you. And, remember the insomniac’s lament, “My day starts backwards … I wake up tired and go to bed wide awake.” But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Notice: The links provided above connect readers to the full content of the referenced articles. The URLs (internet addresses) for these links are valid on the posted date; AMAC cannot guarantee the duration of the links’ validity. Also, the opinions expressed in these postings are the viewpoints of the original source and are not explicitly endorsed by the AMAC Foundation, Inc.
Get InformationAt Tuck, sleep health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being as determined by the quality of an individual’s sleep. Tuck’s definition is broad and covers everything from types of sleep (polyphasic, biphasic, etc.) to the way your health is impacted by sleep both positively and negatively. Learn more in our library of guides accessible here…
Medicines can profoundly affect sleep quality in both positive and negative ways. provides in-depth information on the prescription and over-the-counter sleep medications on the market today as well as non-drug related sleep therapies. Intended for both the curious sleeper as well as the sleep professionals, you’ll find simple definitions, side effects, drug interactions to be aware of alongside journal publications and clinical studies. Access the detailed information of Sleep Medicines.
Tuck has gathered and verified the largest set of mattress customer experiences available on the web, along with in-depth guides to understand what components make up your ideal sleep surface based on your height, weight, body type and sleep preferences, how to find the best price on a mattress, how to get properly dispose of your old mattress and much, much more. Access this information here…
Parasomnias are disorders of arousal or the interface between sleep and waking. Think of them as abnormal arousals. More precisely, they occur at the transitions between waking, NREM sleep, and REM sleep. Parasomnias may be induced or exacerbated by sleep but they are not disorders of the sleep stages. Read more about this fascinating subject here…
Sleep-related complaints are second only to complaints of pain as a cause to seek medical attention. Tuck classifies sleep disorders broadly into three categories: parasomnias (problems around the interface between sleep and waking), dyssomnias (problems getting to sleep or staying asleep) and circadian rhythm disorders (where the body gets off track and doesn’t sleep at the right time). Read on to learn about this aspect of sleep…
Demographic differences play a huge role in an individual’s sleep. Access all of the resources created at Tuck to address these.
Notice: The links provided above connects readers to the full content of the posted articles. The URL (internet address) for these links are valid on the posted date; AMAC Foundation cannot guarantee the duration of the links’ validity. Also, the opinions expressed in these postings are the viewpoints of the original source and are not explicitly endorsed by AMAC, Inc. or the AMAC Foundation, Inc.
Get InformationThe Foundation periodically receives information that is vital to a specific demographic or population segment, and in keeping with our mission of providing education relevant to our constituency, we take steps to make it available to visitors to our site.
We recently received a communication from Educator Labs, an organization comprised of school librarians and media/market research specialists who work as curators and conservators of the scholastic web. Among other things, Educator Labs’ mission is to strengthen connections among the educational web by acting as courier of emerging topics and collections of reference materials for use by educators nationwide.
In carrying out their mission, Educator Labs often compiles collections of material that has a high degree of relevance and importance to population segments outside of the education community. One such example involves a “Toolkit” they have developed to provide information of critical importance to Americans with disabilities. At the AMAC Foundation, we believe that a substantial segment of our constituency includes seniors with disabilities, and have agreed to provide this information to that portion of our readers via this post.
Consider this excerpt from a United States Census Bureau news release issued in conjunction with the ADA’s 22 anniversary…
About 56.7 million people — 19 percent of the population — had a disability in 2010, according to a broad definition of disability, with more than half of them reporting the disability was severe, according to a comprehensive report on this population released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The report shows that 41 percent of those age 21 to 64 with any disability were employed, compared with 79 percent of those with no disability. Along with the lower likelihood of having a job came the higher likelihood of experiencing persistent poverty; that is, continuous poverty over a 24-month period. Among people age 15 to 64 with severe disabilities, 10.8 percent experienced persistent poverty; the same was true for 4.9 percent of those with a non severe disability and 3.8 percent of those with no disability.
Other highlights:
According to a CDC report, people with disabilities are more likely than those without disabilities to report having poorer overall health, less access to adequate health care and more engagement in risky behaviors such as smoking and physical inactivity.
In the words of Educator Labs, “(t)his means that we need to work together to build supportive communities. Indeed, these facts drove our team to put together a toolkit to help empower our disabled population with their options and their rights!”
The AMAC Foundation is pleased to partner with Educator Labs by providing site visitors access to the components of their toolkit via the these links:
From a mere start-up in 2007, AMAC has evolved into an extraordinary force with considerable traction in our nation’s Capital. With over two million members, AMAC has positioned itself as an organization that our country’s leaders are taking note of, and they’re accomplishing this by advancing solutions instead of rhetoric.
AMAC is focused squarely on protecting the interests of America’s seniors. They offer an alternative perspective on how to best solve the problems faced by seniors today, and they’re on your side when it comes to fighting runaway taxes, excessive government involvement in our day-to-day lives, and the erosion of accountability at all levels of government. AMAC feels it is time for the people to speak out for the traditional American values of faith, family, and freedom. They promise to be your advocate and to fight the good fight.
AMAC also offers a variety of consumer benefits for their members including travel discounts, competitively priced insurance products, Roadside Assistance, retail and restaurant discounts, and a host of other benefits and savings opportunities in between.
Visit SiteAMAC’s advocacy affiliate, AMAC Action, maintains a full-time presence in Washington, DC calling on members of Congress and the Administration to discuss issues and support or oppose legislative actions on behalf of the membership. AMAC Action also participates in conservative forums and other coalition activity and manages a national grassroots organization comprised of hundreds of volunteer advocates.
To learn more about AMAC Action and how to get involved, please contact AMAC Action at 855-809-6976 or email
Visit SiteOur marketing materials include a downloadable set of informative documents describing the Foundation, its accomplishments, its current and future project plans, and opportunities for you to support us! Click below for a copy.
Foundation Overview Foundation Tri-Fold Brochure 2023 Annual ReportClick below to download our Annual Reports
2022 Annual Report 2021 Annual Report 2020 Annual Report 2018/2019 Annual Report 2017 Annual Report 2016 Annual Report 2014/2015 Annual ReportThe “Donate” button in the upper right portion of our “Home” page offers you the opportunity to make a contribution electronically. Click here to go to the Donation page. Please note that contributions made to the Foundation are, once accepted by the Foundation, non-refundable.
If you’d prefer, you can make a contribution over the telephone at 1-888-750-2622, or you can mail a check to:
The AMAC Foundation
2130 Tally Road, Suite 100
Leesburg, FL 34748
The AMAC Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization registered in the State of Florida. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowable under current laws…contact your financial adviser for more information.
The Foundation’s target constituency includes mature Americans age 50 and over, of all income and education levels. In addition, this audience includes anyone needing to have a complete understanding of Social Security and its related programs to help them achieve the maximum benefit to which they are or will be entitled. Demographically, the Foundation’s target constituency is characterized by a set of statistics that fit well with the mission of service to mature Americans. Consider:
The AMAC Foundation provides valuable education and insight into Social Security benefit options to its constituency. Operation of the Social Security Report and Medicare Report websites provide breaking news on critical issues as a service to Congressional offices and concerned citizens, along with questions and answers on a variety of Social Security issues. In addition, the Foundation’s staff now boasts seven accredited Social Security Advisors to provide research and counseling on behalf of the Foundation’s constituency.
For a more complete answer to this FAQ, consult the Foundation’s Annual Reports, available via the the Resources page on this website.
Looking ahead, the Foundation envisions a mixture of complementing services designed to contribute to the well-being of its constituency. Among these planned services are expansion of our website dedicated to Medicare and its components, accelerated use of live-streaming to reach our nationwide constituency, production of brief “Did You Know” videos on Social Security concepts, and interaction with AMAC Chapters across the county in the delivery of Foundation services.
The AMAC Foundation senses that America’s Social Security program is at-risk to fail in its mission of providing a safety net to prevent elderly Americans from falling into poverty. The Foundation seeks to provide information the public needs to know to determine the truth about Social Security and to offer options to ensure the Social Security System’s sustainability for future generations.
Another compounding factor is the belief that many Americans have that Social Security will face bankruptcy in their lifetimes; consequently, they may make uninformed decisions based on either false information or bad assumptions.
The government is not helping these people; in fact, the directive from the Social Security Administration in Baltimore, Maryland, specifies that all clerks must sign eligible people up as quickly as possible. No time is allowed to offer specialized or individualized advice; rather, the official rule is to refer inquires to their website, which is intended to provide all the information they need to make decisions that will affect them for the remainder of their lives. In fact, many people are urged to sign up for Social Security benefits at age 62, resulting in a substantial reduction (potentially as much as 30%) in their benefits.
In 2013, we launched an informative website (Social Security Report) that provides breaking news, policy updates, and a whole lot of current information about what’s going on in Washington and around the country concerning Social Security. Updated daily, this site posts hundreds of current bipartisan news alerts each month, maintains a searchable library of hundreds of frequently asked questions about Social Security, and houses a library of informative white papers and documents on major issues affecting Social Security and its related topics.
Similar to the Social Security Report, our “Medicare Report” website is a source of extensive information on Medicare and its components, including the history, current status, and detail documentation of Medicare’s primary parts. The site also features a daily recap of breaking news about website, channeling alerts, legislative updates, and a variety of informative news about this vital senior program.