Veteran Resources - Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Safety Plan app

VA’s Safety Plan app helps you create a custom step-by-step action plan to keep yourself safe when experiencing thoughts of...

Safety plan treatment manual to reduce suicide risk: Veteran version

This manual describes a brief clinical intervention, safety planning, that can serve as a valuable adjunct to risk...

Save A Vet Now

Our Mission Save A Vet Now’s mission is to combat the silent epidemic of veteran suicides by raising...

Save-a-Warrior Foundation

It is important to understand that only part of PTS is a medical condition: the part responsible for...

Secure Firearm Storage: Key To Preventing Veteran Suicides

Tom Chiodo Contributor Developing documentaries & special projects for public media According to the 2023 National Veteran Suicide...

Signs of Crisis

Crisis, stress, depression, and other issues affect people in different ways. If you feel like you might be...

Silent Watch

Here at Silent Watch, Veteran Suicide Awareness, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world...

Silent Watch Veteran Suicide Awareness

Here at Silent Watch, Veteran Suicide Awareness, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world...

Spike in veteran calls expected with launch of new three-digit suicide prevention line this summer

Veterans Affairs officials expect calls to the Veterans Crisis Line to increase by as much as 150% after a new...

Starting Tuesday, all U.S. military veterans in suicidal crisis will be eligible for free care at any VA or private facility

By Courtney Kube Beginning Tuesday, U.S. military veterans who find themselves in suicidal crisis will be eligible for free emergency medical care at...