A 12-week mental health program that uses adventure-based learning to help warriors manage and overcome their invisible wounds,...
Project Recover is a collaborative effort to enlist 21st century science and technology in a quest to find...
Project Refit believes combating isolation by building the community of the future will reduce suicide rates among the...
Operation First Response has partnered with Veterans Institute of Training and Technology Inc (VITT) to provide the following...
Who We Are PROJECT: VetRelief is an initiative backed by The American Legion, Department of Florida – a veterans’ organization...
At Project9line, our focus is to bridge the communication gap between Veterans and civilians. Through Outreach, Communication, and Purpose...
Veterans receiving VA care for any condition can get VA prosthetic appliances, equipment and services. To learn more...
Protect Our Defenders (POD) is the pre-eminent national human rights organization dedicated to ending sexual violence, victim retaliation,...
This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to implement the maternity care coordination program. The VA...
Reach out and stay connected to the Veteran in your life. Be There. For a Veteran facing hard times,...