The Texas Education Code provides for a waiver for active-duty veterans as follows: who were legal residents of...
“This workshop is called ‘Hero on a Mission’ and it really is designed to help you find your...
Heroes MAKE America builds connections between the military community and the manufacturing industry. Veterans are well positioned to...
Heroes to Hives (H2H) is a unique program offered through offered through Michigan State University Extension and our partners, Michigan...
HVRP is a proven, successful program that gets homeless veterans off the street and back to being productive...
The Hoover Institution Veteran Fellowship Program (VFP) is a nonresidential, year-long program for 10 military veterans that was launched in...
IAVA’s members have identified 6 priority issues that matter most to them. COMBAT SUICIDE IAVA is committed to...
The Illinois Veterans’ Grant (IVG) Program pays tuition and mandatory fees at all Illinois state-supported colleges, universities and...
The IVG program pays tuition and fees for undergraduate or graduate study at all Illinois public colleges and...
By – CARTEN CORDELL, Managing Editor, Government Executive A new House bill seeks to require the Veterans Affairs Department do...