Veteran Resources - Veteran Support – General

Post-9/11 Veteran Service Bonus (Minnesota)

The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) has a long history of awarding service bonuses to Minnesota Veterans...

Post-9/11 veterans report similar or better outcomes than non-veterans in many life domains, study finds

Prior research has examined how the post-military health and well-being of both the larger veteran population and earlier...

Preliminary Assessment of Veterans in the Criminal Justice System

Roughly 200,000 active-duty service members leave the armed forces each year. Most transition to civilian life successfully, demonstrating...

Prisoners of War and Missing in Action (POW/MIA)

The responsibility of search and recovery falls primarily on the Department of Defense. DOD’s Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel...

Project CHALENG (VA)

Project CHALENG (Community Homelessness Assessment, Local Education and Networking Groups) for Veterans, an innovative program designed to enhance...

Project Got Your Back

Project Got Your Back (previously Veteran Small Business Foundation) was founded in 2013 with the simple, yet profound intent...

Project Healing Waters

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. (PHWFF) began in 2005 serving wounded military service members at Walter Reed...

Project New Hope, Inc.

Veteran’s Support & Programs Project New Hope Inc. Non-Profit Veterans Organization has an office in Worcester and Westfield,...

Project Odyssey

A 12-week mental health program that uses adventure-based learning to help warriors manage and overcome their invisible wounds,...

Project Recover

Project Recover is a collaborative effort to enlist 21st century science and technology in a quest to find...