Active-duty and veteran military members struggle with substance use disorders, just like the general population. With combat deployments,...
Our nation’s system of caring for those who have protected our freedom isn’t perfect, and too many veterans...
Veterans Association of America, Inc. is an organization that provides legal assistance, housing, employment opportunities, business ownership, discharge...
Explore your veteran benefits and enroll at Mid-State! Visit the Wisconsin Rapids Campus for this special opportunity to...
The nation’s largest veterans service organization assists veterans, mentors youth, provides college scholarships and improves communities, and families...
The Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) program is designed to provide entrepreneurial development services such as business training, counseling...
Business Resource Groups (also called Employee Resource Groups (ERG), Networking Groups, or Affinity Groups) provide employees with opportunities...
Veterans Campground on Big Marine Lake is a family campground that provides facilities and opportunities for recreation, rest,...
The American Legion helps veterans find employers who understand their skills and values. and helps veterans find employers who...
ABOUT US The Veterans Chamber of Commerce is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to provide all military...