Veteran Resources - Veteran Employment

Jan-Pro VetConnection

VETCONNECTIONSM, a program Jan-Pro Cleaning & Disinfecting designed, was the first franchise commercial cleaning program created exclusively for...

Job Fair-Con July 18 (Texas)

This event will provide veterans, Transitioning military, their family, and all of the community with job opportunities, information...


Through our partnership with RecruitMilitary, DAV will sponsor job fairs including virtual events, to connect veterans and spouses with...

Jobs for Veterans State Grants

The Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) program provides federal funding, through a formula grant, to 54 State...

July is Hire a Veteran Month in Minnesota

St. Paul – More than 300,000 U.S. military veterans call Minnesota home and more than half of them...

Just for Veterans (Employment – Texas)

Maximize your employment opportunities as you transition into civilian life. Search for jobs, receive priority service at Texas...

Kentucky Center for Veterans Studies (KCVS)

The Kentucky Center for Veterans Studies (KCVS) at EKU serves both non-veteran and veteran students. We strive to be...

LaSalle Veteran Network

LaSalle Network was started in 1998 under the belief that if we hired great people, and trained and...

Lead For America Veterans Program

Lead For America began in 2017 as a dorm room startup and has grown to become one of...

LiftFund Women’s Business Center (WBC)

The LiftFund Women’s Business Center (WBC) offers guidance and support to empower women entrepreneurs to become successful business...