Veteran Resources - Veterans Resources

Apply for Education Benefits

This guide will help you apply for VA Education Benefits, which include the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the Montgomery...

April 6, 2024 Homeless Stand Down for Veterans

Bay Pines VA will hold its annual Homeless Stand Down for Veterans at the C.W. Bill Young VA Medical Center April...

Are Military Suicides Contagious?

When so many good people are trying so hard to prevent suicide among our military members, why do...

Are Military Teens More Likely To Consider Suicide?

A recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health says that they are. While 15% of civilian students in...

Are You Experiencing Depression? 4 Symptoms You Should Know

Depression is an illness, and it’s a very common one. Here’s four major symptoms you should look out...

ARF Pets and Vets

The Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) is an award-winning, nationally recognized leader for its unique, dual mission of People...

Arkansas Secretary of State launches veteran voter initiative

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KAIT) – The Arkansas Secretary of State and the veteran service organization We Are the 22 are...

Arkview Recovery Center

When a person is in the midst of an addiction to drugs or alcohol, it can feel as...

Arlington National Cemetary

Since 1864, Arlington National Cemetery has served as the nation’s military cemetery honoring those who served. To learn...

Armando Alejandre Endowed Scholarship

The Armando Alejandre Endowed Scholarship is open to second- and third-year students at the University of Miami, School...