Most of our nation’s servicemembers make a successful transition back to civilian life, but it is not always...
Purpose: Assist Veterans and military-connected students with access to affordable pre-law advisement and support. An emphasis on first-generation/low-income/enlisted...
You have certain employment protections as a veteran or service member. Two federal laws prohibit discrimination in employment...
ABOUT THE VETERAN PEER ACCESS NETWORK (VPAN) The first-ever community-driven support network serving veterans and their families in...
Veteran discrimination, also called veteran status discrimination, occurs anytime being a veteran and former uniformed military service member...
Veterans 4 America First (V4AF) Institute was launched on August 17, 2021. The Institute provides public education and grassroots...
Justice-involved veterans can be healed, and veterans can help to heal the justice-involved. That’s the animating principle of Veterans Advocacy...
Veterans Advocacy Services is dedicated to providing services to any veteran of the United States armed forces toward...
Veterans Association of America, Inc. is an organization that provides legal assistance, housing, employment opportunities, business ownership, discharge...
Veterans Inc. is a national leader in ending homelessness among veterans. We have one of the highest rates...