When Christine Russell read the message from the San Diego VA announcing it would no longer pay for...
The PACT Act and your VA benefits The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health...
The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to...
About The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health is...
Tricare Prime is a managed care option available in Prime Service Areas worldwide. If you’re on active duty you...
The Veterans Health Administration Innovation Ecosystem, the Digital Health Center of Excellence at FDA, the FDA Office of...
Source: MilitaryTimes Each year about 200,000 service members separate or retire from the military, many without clear employment plans...
Keith Kiefer, a Veteran, AMAC member, and AMAC Action chapter leader and delegate, is also National Commander of...
There is a long history of smoking and other tobacco use in the military. Many Veterans used tobacco...
In the ongoing fight against the spread of COVID-19, a primary focus is vaccinating vulnerable communities. That includes...