According to Background Checks, fraud reports skyrocketed 62% since 2019, and new data shows exactly where fraud is spiking the most in the US (Cities with the Most Credit Card Fraud 2023; courtesy of D Jacobs). In 2022, over $3.1B in losses were reported for those 60 and older, with only five types of scams making up 65% of the complaints (The Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults). Seniors, don’t get scammed – protect yourselves from being targets!
From IRS and Social Security, to the Grandparent scam, there are many creative ways America’s Seniors are targeted. The Elder Justice Initiative (DOJ) provides tips on how to prevent becoming a victim in several types of the scam methods directed at seniors.
Top tips from ScamSpotters include: slow down to ensure the info is correct, research before clicking links or giving details, and Stop – DO NOT SEND MONEY. Typically, agencies do not reach out for funds the way these scammers claim. Best way to think of these requests or demands is to Stop, Think, Research, Verify. Remember, check it out and do not doubt yourself – Holiday scammers are smart, but you’re smarter!
Despite tips, the holiday season isn’t over. Beware! Peruse resources and information. Protect yourself and share tips so other seniors don’t get scammed.
Scams – Resources & In The News:
‘The reports keep coming’: Florida deputies warning residents to beware of scammers who do this (fox35orlando.com)
Tips for Seniors to Avoid Scams | Elder Fraud | ACTEC
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