Veteran Resources - Veteran Training Opportunities

Veterans Resource Center (VRC)

The Mission of the Veterans Resource Center is to provide assistance through education, certification, and guidance to military...

Veterans Resource Center (VRC) – LSU

Military and Veterans LSU Shreveport’s Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is a touchpoint for student veterans, spouses, and dependents...

Veterans Services – UAB

To assist veterans, service members, dependents, and survivors in capitalizing on military educational benefits and promote successful transition...

Veterans Services – UW Parkside

Our goal is to serve each of our military and veteran students and family members as you have...

Veterans Services (CSUSM)

Mission The department of Veteran and Military-Connected Services strives to be intentional in creating co-curricular opportunities through programs,...

Veterans Services (PSU)

Military veterans, reservists and active duty service members are now able to apply to the Graduate School with...

Veterans Strong Community Center

Veterans Strong Community Center, Inc.  (the “Center”) – a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation –  is a regional information and resource...

Veterans Success Center (TCC)

At the Veterans Success Center, our goals are to: Help you understand and ensure your access to all...

Veterans to Farmers

The mission of Veterans to Farmers is to train veterans in agricultural systems, technologies and business operations for...

Veterans Training Empowerment Center (VTEC)

Our mission is to create training centers on military bases across the United States that guarantee veterans, soldiers,...