Veteran Resources - Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Experts see increase in Veteran Suicides, say more needs to be done

By – Christina Aguayo EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) –There is an ongoing Veteran’s Suicide Crisis happening across the...

Exploring brain health and confronting veteran suicides

Veteran suicide Each year, the Department of Veteran Affairs releases its report on veteran suicides, revealing a concerning...

Face the Fight

Face the Fight™ was founded by USAA and is supported by a coalition of organizations to help end...

Fact Sheet: New Strategy Outlines Five Priorities for Reducing Military and Veteran Suicide

Suicide among service members, veterans, and their families is a public health and national security crisis. Far too...

Fishing for the Mission 22

Fishing for the Mission 22 is a 501(C)(3) which offers a therapeutic approach to help heal veterans through...

Food Insecurity Among Veterans Examining the Discrepancy Between Veteran Food Insecurity and Use of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Food insecurity is linked to poorer physical and mental health, including an increased risk of suicide. Therefore, addressing...

For an increasing number of veterans retiring from the service, their shared interest in video games can become the basis for that community.

Over the years, I have written a lot about video games for Nextgov. This includes how game technology is...

For veteran suicides, the numbers may be far worse than the government says

A new assessment from the U.S. Veterans Administration trumpets a decline in the national suicide rate among veterans, but...

Forgotten Not Gone

#FNG is proactive in Veteran suicide prevention by addressing the triggers of suicide and WHY it continues to happen....

Free Mental Health Care For Veteran Students

Program provides access to more than 7,000 mental-wellness providers. To learn more about this organization, continue to their...