Leashes of Valor is a national nonprofit working to provide a highly-trained service dog to every post-9/11 Veteran...
Welcome to Let’s Walk It Out – 222 Mile Ruck March Inc., a 501(C)3 Nonprofit committed to preventing...
The National Veterans Foundation’s (NVF) Lifeline for Vets helps Veterans of all eras, their family members and active...
Love Our Vets-PTSD Family Support, LLC is more than just a book. It is bringing together loved ones...
Maine Paws for Veterans is a non-profit corporation established as Embrace A Vet in 2012. Founded by the...
Our mission is to remember, honor, and memorialize fallen Special Operations soldiers through the world of competitive shooting....
What Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? PTSD is a stress-related disorder that develops after a traumatic experience. It...
An estimated 1 in 4 female veterans and 1 in 100 male veterans in the VA healthcare system...
Mission 22 supports the veteran community with three main programs; veteran treatment programs, memorials and community social impact....
Our Music Therapy Retreats use the healing power of music to help veterans and their families cope with...