Veteran Resources - Veterans Resources

AMVETS National Service Foundation

Our Mission AMVETS National Service Foundation provides Veterans, their families and survivors world-class counsel and representation before the...

AMVETS Scholarships

AMVETS offers scholarships through our National Service Foundation (NSF) and donations. They are for Veteran (other than dishonorable),...

Anchors of Hope

While the suicide rate among veterans is still higher than that of the general population, there is hope...

Angel Fire State Veteran Cemetery

Cemeteries & Memorials Part of the State Benefits Division, the Cemetery and Memorials Program oversees the operation of...

Angels 4 Vets Operation Christmas Drop

The seventh annual Angels 4 Vets Operation ChristmasDrop program has begun. “We have various trees set up around...

Angels Wings for Veterans

Loneliness. Despair. Fear. Depression. These are just some of the words that describe the emotions of Veterans who...

Annie for Veterans

Introduction Annie is a VA text messaging service that empowers Veterans to take an active role in their...

Applications open for post-9/11 veterans to receive bonus check – Minnesota

Minnesota veterans who served in the two decades following the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks can now apply...

Apply for a Disability Rating

This guide will help you submit a disability claim and obtain a disability rating. This rating is between...

Apply for Burial in a VA National Cemetery and for Memorial Products

This guide will help you apply for burial in a VA national cemetery, a Government-furnished headstone, marker, or...