Veteran Resources - Veterans Resources

Preventing suicides in military and veteran communities

When Marine Sgt. Christopher McDonald was injured, he was prescribed opioids, but when he had mental health issues,...

Prevention of amputation in veterans everywhere (PAVE)

The goal of PAVE is to help prevent or delay limb loss. Your case would be managed by...

Prisoners of War and Missing in Action (POW/MIA)

The responsibility of search and recovery falls primarily on the Department of Defense. DOD’s Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel...

Program: Don’t Wait. Reach out.

Life has its challenges. As a Veteran, you don’t have to solve them alone. The Don’t wait. Reach out. program...

Project 4114

Winnebago County Board Chairman Joseph Chiarelli is pleased to announce a new partnership between Winnebago County and Marshmallow’s...

Project CHALENG (VA)

Project CHALENG (Community Homelessness Assessment, Local Education and Networking Groups) for Veterans, an innovative program designed to enhance...

Project Got Your Back

Project Got Your Back (previously Veteran Small Business Foundation) was founded in 2013 with the simple, yet profound intent...

Project Healing Waters

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. (PHWFF) began in 2005 serving wounded military service members at Walter Reed...

Project Healing Waters (PHW)

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. began in 2005 serving wounded military service members at Walter Reed Army...

Project New Hope, Inc.

Veteran’s Support & Programs Project New Hope Inc. Non-Profit Veterans Organization has an office in Worcester and Westfield,...