Veteran Resources - Health Care – General

Veterans Community Care Program

VA provides care to Veterans through community providers when VA cannot provide the care needed. Community care is based...

Veterans Earned Transportation (Vets ETA) Act

Today, Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley) introduced the Veterans Earned Transportation (Vets ETA) Act.  The legislation permanently reauthorizes...

Veterans Estate Management Program (VEMP)

Veterans Estate Management Program Contact Us 1-800-562-2308 360-725-2200 Statistics 350 veterans enrolled Approximately 30% would be homeless without...

Veterans Experience Office (VEO)

One of the Veterans Experience Office (VEO) goals is to create a community of practice with community partners...

Veterans face uphill battle to receive treatment for ‘burn pit’ exposure

The Department of Defense estimates that roughly 3.5 million service members could have been exposed to burn pits....

Veterans Group Advocates for Hands-On Mental Health Services

Excerpt from 2/21/2021 News post: The pandemic has afflicted certain groups — students of all ages, people who...

Veterans Guide to Paying for Assisted Living & Home Care

In producing this guide, it is not our intention to replicate the VA Guide to Long-Term Care. The VA...

Veterans Health And Information Fair – Tuesday October 18, 2022

Washington DC VA Medical Center is hosting a Veterans Health and Information Fair at the Montgomery County VA...

Veterans Health Council

The Veterans Health Council’s Mission Statement is: “To improve health care for veterans by creating an ongoing forum...

Veterans Health Guide

Military veterans experience a range of service-related health conditions, including hearing damage, traumatic brain injury, PTSD and toxic...