VA provides care to Veterans through community providers when VA cannot provide the care needed. Community care is based...
Today, Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley) introduced the Veterans Earned Transportation (Vets ETA) Act. The legislation permanently reauthorizes...
Veterans Estate Management Program Contact Us 1-800-562-2308 360-725-2200 Statistics 350 veterans enrolled Approximately 30% would be homeless without...
One of the Veterans Experience Office (VEO) goals is to create a community of practice with community partners...
The Department of Defense estimates that roughly 3.5 million service members could have been exposed to burn pits....
Excerpt from 2/21/2021 News post: The pandemic has afflicted certain groups — students of all ages, people who...
In producing this guide, it is not our intention to replicate the VA Guide to Long-Term Care. The VA...
Washington DC VA Medical Center is hosting a Veterans Health and Information Fair at the Montgomery County VA...
The Veterans Health Council’s Mission Statement is: “To improve health care for veterans by creating an ongoing forum...
Military veterans experience a range of service-related health conditions, including hearing damage, traumatic brain injury, PTSD and toxic...