The Military Family Advisory Network envisions a world where all military-connected families are empowered to thrive. Our mission...
WHY MFVSOA? Our service members made one of the most important decisions of their lives when they decided to...
Thanks to advances in protective technologies and battlefield medicine more of our Heroes are surviving combat. However, once...
The Military Family Readiness System is a network of programs and services operated by the Defense Department and...
MFRI conducts research and outreach for communities and professionals who serve military and veteran families. We collaborate to help shape...
Our mission is to: (1) Provide our military direction and support in achieving an effective transition as they...
Military Makeover with Montel®, hosted by Montel Williams, is a television series dedicated to honoring deserving military families by...
Military spouses of currently serving members of the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Space Force,...
The average military spouse moves 8-12 times in the span of a 20-year military career, which often results...
Military spouses make great entrepreneurs, and small business ownership can be a transportable vocation that supports frequent relocation-part...