Veteran Resources - Canine/Equine Support


NEADS (“NEADS Inc”, formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services and Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans),...


WHY WE EXIST 22 Veterans a day, over 8000 a year, commit suicide on American Soil. Many American...

Operation Paws on the Ground

Statistics say that 22 veterans die by suicide per day. 1,835 dogs are euthanized each day in the...

Patriot Paws Service Dogs

Our Mission The mission of Patriot PAWS is to train and provide Service Dogs of the highest quality...

Patriotic Service Dog Foundation (PSDF)

An estimated 460,000 veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan war alone, struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)...

Paw Patrol

Many of our heroes have lost or had to give up pets that were dear to them. Others...

Paws For Life Veterans Program

Animals Deserve Better, Inc through its Paws For Life Veterans Program is making a difference in the lives of our Heroes....

Paws for People

About Us PAWS for People™ (Pet-Assisted Visitation Volunteer Services, or PAWS) is a nonprofit organization committed to providing...

Paws of War

Since 2014, we have brought over 300 dogs and cats, rescued by our troops serving overseas to safety...

Pawsitive for Heroes

Veterans with a documented, combat related disability of post traumatic stress, anxiety, or hyper vigilance may be eligible...