Thanksgiving is the time of the year when we at the AMAC Foundation pause to give thanks for the world around us and for what we have and hold dear. We’re particularly thankful for the people we serve and for the opportunities we have to provide support to Americas’ seniors. As we begin to look toward the year ahead, we look forward to continued service to those who rely on us for service and support.

We thought this fascinating article by John York of the Daily Signal would be of interest to you on this day of thanksgiving and reflection. From a historical perspective, York provides an account of how this annual holiday came to be a tradition for all of us. It’s a quick read, but it frames an important concept: “Americans do not share a common ancestry or ethnicity, so building a shared historical narrative is all the more important to the sense that we are one people.” Read York’s article here, and enjoy your Thanksgiving!

The Staff at AMAC Foundation