Over the weekend of November 3, our Foundation website was the target of malicious attacks at the hands of cyber criminals, with the result being a multi-day outage of our email systems. We apologize to any of our constituents who have been unable to reach us during this outage period, and we especially apologize to those who have been attempting to reach our Social Security Advisory Service. Rest assured that, as of this afternoon, we have resolved the problems and are well on the road to recovery. Our able Advisors are steadily working their way through the backlog that has been created as a result of this attack, and we hope to be fully recovered in the very near future.
For those of you have submitted a request for Social Security assistance via email ([email protected]) and have not yet been contacted, feel free to call us at the Foundation office (888-750-2622) to verify that your request has been received.
We sincerely appreciate your patience as we work through this issue!
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