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Social Security Podcast 45: Retirement income expectations; Signing up for Medicare; Spousal/Survivor benefits; Early filing and earning limits; Issues affecting military service (Social Security and Medical Benefits);

May 24, 2019 | Presenting: AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Staff

This podcast is a discussion of retirement income expectations.  The dialog continues with a discourse including spouse/survivor benefits, early filing and earning limits, trust fund myth, what is your Full Retirement Age? and income tax liability.  The session concludes with information regarding your estimated benefit statement.

This recording presents the viewpoints of the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Staff, trained and accredited under the National Social Security Advisors program of the National Social Security Association, LLC (NSSA). NSSA and the AMAC Foundation are not affiliated with or endorsed by the United States Government, the Social Security Administration, or any other state government. To request additional information, contact our Advisory Staff at 888-750-2622, or email us at [email protected].