One of the most compelling interests shared by many seniors across America is the welfare of children in general, and their grandchildren in particular. The Annie E. Casey Foundation understands this, and for over seven decades has made the well-being of American children its focus. Each year, the Case Foundation produces its Kids Count Data Book, a comprehensive analysis and “annual snapshot of how America’s children and families are faring in every state and across the nation.”

As in previous years, the 2017 edition ranks individual states in terms of the effectiveness of their contributions to the economic well-being, educational progress, health levels, and family and community interests that support a healthy environment for children. The report cites emerging trends, and puts forth areas where the country’s leadership needs to strengthen its commitment to younger generations, now and in the future. While much of the data is presented at the national level, the Kids Count Data Book provides state-by-state comparisons of the progress being made in individual areas. For example, one section ranks states in terms of where they stand relative to education of their children, highlighting which states may be needing additional emphasis on things like improving reading scores, graduation rates, and the like.

Depending on where your specific state falls compared to others, you might want to explore avenues to encourage leaders to take action to improve the situation for your children and grandchildren. If nothing else, the Kids Count Data Book can serve as a priority guide for community leaders in your area. The publication can be downloaded from the Annie E. Casey Foundation website via this direct link.