The concept of “aging at home” is receiving more and more attention these days, and our organization has been paying close attention to it as a means to assist our constituency in understanding what needs to be considered if this is in their future. In addition to blog articles on our “News” page, workshops on subjects like the “smart home” concept, and our “Aging at Home Exposition” held a few months ago, we are continuing to research the topic as we build reference materials for those who want to keep abreast of this evolving topic.
So, as we search for relevant information to post on this subject, we are pleased to report that we’ve established a relationship with AgingCare.com, a website dedicated to helping “families find answers, care and information on eldercare.” With their approval, our Monday blog series will from time-to-time include reposts of relevant AgingCare.com articles, beginning this week with an article titled “Making Home Safer for Seniors: A Room-By-Room Assessment.”
This article, compiled by AgingCare.com contributing editor Marlo Sollitto, takes a room-by-room look at the living space occupied by seniors, focusing on tips and ideas to make this living space safer. In addition to specific items that can be retrofitted to help achieve independence, the article offers suggestions on customization that can be done to facilitate aging in place and provides ideas on obtaining assistance to make it happen.
Of added interest, the article provides a tool, titled “Senior Functional Assessment” that can be used to help determine the level of living assistance needed and assist in the creation of a care plan.
Click here to read the full article.
The article, “Making Home Safer for Seniors: A Room-By-Room Assessment” by Marlo Sollitto originally appeared on AgingCare.com.
AgingCare.com is an online resource that connects family caregivers, shares informative articles, provides answers and support through an interactive Caregiver Forum, and offers search capabilities for senior living options for elderly loved ones.
Notice: The links provided above connects readers to the full referenced material. The URLs (internet addresses) for these links are valid on the posted date; AmacFoundation.org cannot guarantee the duration of the link’s validity. Also, the opinions expressed in these postings are the viewpoints of the original source and are not explicitly endorsed by AMAC, Inc. or the AMAC Foundation, Inc.
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