AMAC Foundation Certified Social Security Advisor Russ Gloor was a guest speaker at the March 9, 2017 Ask an Elder Law Attorney workshop in Milford, Pennsylvania. The workshop consisted of individual segments on the topics of Medicare, Social Security, and Elder Law, and was sponsored by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce.
During his remarks, Russ responded to a number of questions from the workshop’s 30 attendees, providing an update on recent changes to Social Security law and addressing specific situations on the applicability of Social Security statutes. Russ is certified by the “National Social Security Association, LLC” and is the coordinator and primary author of the AMAC Foundation’s “Ask Rusty” series, a weekly column on Social Security issues currently syndicated for distribution to approximately 7,000 media outlets nationwide.
Learn more about the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory service via this webpage.
I would like see the new tax reform law to include not taking taxes out of Social Security checks to SS recipients.
Please excuse the lateness for this response…I was holding off until we finalized major revisions to AMAC’s Social Security Guarantee legislative package. We’ve now reached that point, and I wanted to let you know that your observation has been addressed, at least in part. Section III of our plan, now re-labeled as “The Social Security Guarantee Act of 2017” now contains this provision: “Reduce ‘Double Taxation; of Benefits” – Raise the adjusted gross income exclusion threshold for paying income tax on benefits from current $25,000 for individuals and $32,000 joint to $50,000 and $100,000 respectively. This change, if adopted, would remove the tax for many filers, and is at least a partial step toward addressing your concern. You can access the full Act at, and I’d be happy to discuss this and the proposal in general with you at your convenience. Call me at the Foundation office anytime (1-888-750-2622) and leave a message if I’m not in. Thank you.
Gerry Hafer
AMAC Foundation, Inc.