No, really! There is a multi-tiered federal government agency in place to provide a broad range of services to us seniors. From the “Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services” to the “Older Americans Act and Aging Network,” the Administration on Aging (AOA) offers a wide range of information about services and benefits related to the Older Americans Act of 1965 (OAA), as amended (42 U.S.C.A. § 3001 et seq.). The OAA promotes the well-being of older individuals by providing services and programs designed to help them live independently in their homes and communities. The Act also empowers the federal government to distribute funds to the states for supportive services for individuals over the age of 60.
The AOA site also provides extensive statistical information on aging and associated demographics, along with analyses of various initiatives like “Health, Prevention, and Wellness Programs” and “Home & Community Based Long-Term Care” placed into effect to benefit seniors. Learn more about this government agency and the services they provide at their website, which you can access here…
What makes it different from A.R.P.Benfits in the Houston Texas area
I have questions about the difference A.R.P
Thank you for contacting the AMAC Foundation. Please note that the Foundation operates separately and independently from the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), and that questions of benefit offerings do not really apply to the Foundation. Our services at the Foundation are dedicated totally to the mission of educating and supporting America’s seniors, and you can read about how we do that in our most recent Annual Report, which you can access here.
While the benefits offered by AMAC are similar to those offered by AARP, we realize that there may be some geographic areas where these benefits might differ. But with respect to comparing the two organizations, we are proud of the growing reputation that AMAC has as an action-oriented organization, driven by input from its membership base. AMAC is relatively new, having been formed in 2007, but in that relatively short period of time has gain considerable traction in legislative circles. Our Social Security Guarantee, for example, has received a fair amount of attention from lawmakers, and our input is currently being sought in connection with the health care reform process currently underway. The hundreds of direct meetings AMAC representatives have conducted with legislators in Washington have enable the voices of our members to be conveyed effectively in the nation’s capital.
Thank you again for the contact. If you have any questions about the AMAC Foundation and its activities, please feel free to contact me at your convenience.
Gerry Hafer, Executive Director
AMAC Foundation, Inc.
Excellent presentation this morning at AMAC.
Thank you sir! Glad that you were able to attend the conference.