Veteran Car Donations is the online vehicle donation program platform for Vets4Warriors, Soldiers’ Angels, Heroes on the Water, Hero Kids Foundation, Horses Healing Heroes, Healing Arizona Veterans, American Freedom Foundation, America For Veterans Foundation, American Veterans Relief Program, Special Operators Transition Foundation, and Special Military Active Recreational Travelers Club, Inc. (SMART). Vets4Warriors, Soldiers’ Angels, Heroes on the Water, Hero Kids Foundation, Horses Healing Heroes, Healing Arizona Veterans, American Freedom Foundation, America For Veterans Foundation, American Veterans Relief Program, Special Operators Transition Foundation, and Special Military Active Recreational Travelers Club, Inc. (SMART) are all 501(c)3 nonprofits as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Vehicle donations to the above nonprofits are 100% tax deductible. Proceeds from donated vehicles go to the above nonprofits.
*part of the Rutgers University Foundation.
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