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AMAC Foundation has been asked to provide information about a survey that is being conducted nationally to help Congress improve policies and programs for Veterans as they transition from service and into the civilian workforce. Below is information about the surveys and links to distribute them. Please email or call me with any questions. I deeply appreciate your support in this endeavor.

What is this about? The purpose of these surveys is to gather information about Veterans’ transition, education, and employment experiences. These surveys have been prepared in response to the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which has requested a study to understand the barriers and facilitators to Post 9/11 Veteran employment, especially for women Veterans. We are inviting men and women Veterans from all eras to complete a survey about their experiences. We are also inviting non-Veterans to complete a survey about their experience supporting Veterans in their lives (such as a spouse or friend). The surveys do not collect any personally identifiable information from Veterans or others. Information collected in the survey cannot be linked to any personal health, VA, or military records. The survey does ask Veterans, and their supporters, about barriers to employment and what their personal experiences and opinions have been.

Who is conducting the survey? This work has been funded by the Veteran Health Administration Office of Women’s Health and the VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI). The Salt Lake Clinical Evaluation Center (SALIENCE), based at the George E. Wahlen Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah is conducting this survey.

What will you do with the survey data? The SALIENCE team will use information collected in the surveys to prepare a report to Congress on factors contributing to, or preventing, Post 9/11 women Veteran employment. The survey data will help us understand how employment experiences differ between women and men Post 9/11 Veterans and Veterans of earlier eras.

What do you want from me? We would appreciate your help letting people in your organization, and the Veterans you serve, know about the surveys. Below I have provided links to the surveys and examples of social media blurbs you could use to post this information on your website, Facebook or Twitter, or to directly email people in your networks.

If you have questions about these surveys or this request, please contact Dr. Andrea Kalvesmaki at 801-582-1565 x 3495 or [email protected]


Survey Respondents Survey Links
Veterans – all eras, all genders Are you a US Veteran? Researchers are interested in learning about your transition and employment experiences to improve policy, programs, and support for Veterans. Click here to participate:
Friends, family, or other people connected to Veterans Do you know a US Veteran? Researchers are interested in learning about your experience supporting a Veteran through transition and employment. This survey will be used to improve policy, programs, and support for Veterans. Click here to participate:

The survey will be open from now until Dec. 15th.

Notice: The link provided above connects readers to the full content of the referenced sites. The URLs (internet addresses) for these links are valid on the posted date; cannot guarantee the duration of the links’  validity.