Resource Type:


Provided By:

Honor Flight

Phone Number:
(614) 558-6220

State: Michigan

Zip: 49093

Another category of veterans we are equally concerned about are ALL those who served in uniform that were recently diagnosed with a terminal illness. It is our mission to transport these veterans if they have never been able to visit the various national memorials constructed to honor the service and sacrifice of their brothers and sisters in arms. All such veterans, regardless of the conflict they participated in (Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, etc.) who wish to visit our nation’s existing memorials, will be invited to do so. Specifically, this program includes ALL veterans, even younger veterans who participated in recent conflicts for which a national memorial does not exist. At the Honor Flight Network, we feel they all should have an opportunity to clearly see and appreciate how our nation honors those who were willing to lay down their very lives in service to our country. This special category of veterans we refer to as “TLC’s,” meaning “Their Last Chance.”

To learn more about this organization, continue to their website using the Website Address noted above.