What We Do
Members of TVO enjoy being outdoors, and enjoy the company of other Veterans and their supporters. The focus of TVO is to provide a Veterans outreach program that allows Veterans to help each other and their communities.
The following are a few examples of Veteran Events that you can become a part of!
Community Involvement
Food Bank preparation/sorting
Neighborhood Enhancement
Public Appearances/Speaking
Land/Ranch Management
Parks Cleanup
Hospital Visitation of Vets
Big Brother/Big Sister Mentor
Provide Free Nutrition Awareness
Veteran Outreach
Camping in State/National Parks
Hiking & Kayak Trips
Local Adult Sports Leagues
Participate in Holiday Parades
BBQ Cooking Competitions
Motorcycle Runs
Auto Shows
Hunting / Fishing
Entertainment/Family Events
Theme Parks
Sporting Events
Museum Tours
Road Trips for Food!!!
Weekend Getaways / City Pass
Range Days
Hunter’s Ed / CHL Courses
Learn more via the URL shown in the “Website Address” box above…