Project New Hope Inc. Non-Profit Veterans Organization has an office in Worcester and Westfield, Mass. Both of our locations have a Food pantry that are an essential community service to our Active-duty, National Guard, Reservists, and honorably discharged Veterans and their family.
Your donation is needed now more than ever to keep our shelves full as we anticipate a significant increase in users as more Veterans are unable to work. Please go to our website at and hit the “Donate” button, or mail a donation to our main office; Project New Hope Inc. 70 James Street, Suite 129A Worcester, MA 01603
Please contact either office to schedule a time slot to visit Food Pantry. Only one client will be allowed in the food pantry at one time to reduce any threat of spreading coronavirus. If you are experiencing a fever, sore throat or other ailment do not enter the building.
Learn more via the URL shown in the “Website Address” box above…