Formed in 1992, the National Association of Veterans’ Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF) is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization of research and education foundations affiliated with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers. These nonprofits, also known as the VA-affiliated nonprofit research and education corporations (NPCs), are authorized by Congress under 38 USC §§7361-7366 to provide flexible funding mechanisms for the conduct of research and education at VA facilities nationwide.

What We Do
NAVREF is committed to reforms that will increase the quality of care for veterans and has created Access to Clinical Trials (ACT) for Veterans Initiative with the VA to accomplish this task. The initiative is focused on establishing a dedicated system for initiating and conducting clinical trials efficiently within the VA and was borne out of discussions between VHA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) and NAVREF held in late 2017. Through this partnership with the VA, NAVREF helps bring more high-quality clinical trials to veterans by streamlining processes, increasing efficiency, and reducing timelines for veteran patient clinical trials.
NAVREF also spearheads the “100 Days Faster” initiative, pledging to help the VA cut its clinical trial start-up times by 100 days by 2021. Through this process, NAVREF seeks to highlight the VA’s extensive medical records, centralized institutional review board (IRB), clinical trial infrastructure, and diverse 9 million patient population to encourage industry-sponsored clinical trial cooperation with the VA.
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