The IVMF at Syracuse University is higher education’s first interdisciplinary academic institute, singularly focused on advancing the post-service lives of the nation’s military veterans and their families.
The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) is the first interdisciplinary national institute in higher education focused on the social, economic, education,
and policy issues impacting veterans and their families. Through its professional staff, experts and partners, the IVMF delivers leading programs in career, vocational,
and entrepreneurship education and training, while also conducting actionable research, policy analysis, and program evaluations. The IVMF also supports communities through collective impact efforts that enhance delivery and access to services and care for veterans and their families. The Institute, supported by the University and a distinguished advisory board, along with public and private partners, is committed to advancing the lives of those who have served in America’s armed forces and their
families. For more information, visit
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