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Independent Veterans of America (IVA)





IVA was built to identify, inform, unite, support and elect independent veteran candidates for public office at all levels (Except for President. For now.)

49% of all Americans consider themselves independents.
Independents are the largest, fastest-growing and most-influential group of voters in the United States.

This powerful group includes 50% of all veterans.

A majority of vets are clear in their non-partisanship and the issues they care about.

98% are registered to vote.
Veterans appreciate and will defend our core American values. Especially freedom and the basic right of every American to have an equal vote.

We live country over party.

We are uniquely powerful.

And we look out for and support each other.

Learn more via the URL shown in the “Website Address” box above…

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Updated – 7/3/2024