We Appreciate Veterans!
Blessings to all and thank you for taking the time to read through our Vision. My name is Shela Gornik. I’m writing on behalf of my husband Andrew and I, concerning a vision God put on our hearts a few months ago. Which is To be able to improve the quality of life for our Veterans. “Standing Beside Those That Once Stood Before Us.” Heroes Never Alone Inc. has many tiers in the development process. Right now we are on tier three. We stepped out in faith and purchased 2 properties and became an official non-profit organization (tier 1 and 2).
One of the properties has two homes on it, located in Ligonier, PA, while the second property is almost 5 acres of flat land ready to expand, located in Latrobe, PA. We purchased both properties a couple months ago with our own savings. We are FULLY vested. You can be assured, Your donations are going towards a project that is already established and You will be helping the process in a tremendous way.
The next tier, consist of remodeling one structure on the property, we call that structure “The Cottage”. We have an Air Force Veteran, who served during Vietnam War and Cuban Missile and his beautiful wife, who are willing to move in, as soon as the cottage is finished. This home is going to change their lives. In the renovation process, we fully intend to meet all ADA requirements, where necessary. The home will be a ranch style home with large door ways, handicap accessible bathrooms, and extra large hallways. The open concept will certainly accommodate all of their needs. Once the cottage is renovated, we will then start remodeling the main house, which will allow two Veterans to live very comfortably, following the same guidelines. Once finished, we will add structures on the properties similar to the cottage. Not only are we providing Veterans with a home, we have numerous things set in place to improve their quality of life. We have Doctors, Nurses, Psychologist and a Therapist willing to visit as needed, to meet the physical and mental needs of the Veterans. We also, have a church willing to minister to meet the Veterans spiritual needs. Along with weekly Nurse visits, there will be volunteers available weekly to cook meals, grocery shop, pick up prescriptions, play games, and interact with the Veterans. A construction company willing to teach different trades along with a financial coach willing to give classes if they desire. We are completely devoted in accommodating and providing these Veterans with not only the necessities needed to improve the quality of life, but also to create a family atmosphere that shows them that they are loved, and not alone. We are looking forward to partnering with you to make this dream a reality for many Veterans.
Will you Partner with us?
This is our opportunity to Serve Those That Served Us.
Learn more via the URL shown in the “Website Address” box above…