Fight Oar Die is an all-American, all-military Veteran, four-person ocean rowing team that competes in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, a race which has challenged individuals and teams from around the world for years.
The men and women who have served on behalf of the United States military face many challenges during and after their service. Each stroke we row pushes the momentum toward our ultimate mission of increasing awareness of, and support for, the cognitive, behavioral, and physical health of U.S. Military/ Veteran personnel.
We at Fight Oar Die chose the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, an established, international event, to direct attention to and use as a platform for raising money for Veterans. We believe that Veterans are all too often overlooked and many Veterans’ issues are not adequately addressed by existing programs. We as Veterans decided to take this challenge on in order to act on what we see as a very public problem. We believe that awareness is the catalyst for change, but action is the agent that can make something happen, and we feel the need to help those who have helped us as Americans.
Together, our fight will go toward ensuring that our Veterans know that despite anything that has happened in their lives – Veterans can grow, develop, excel, and achieve ANYTHING they want.
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