You’ve probably heard of the menopause in women, but did you know men go through a similar hormonal change as they age? The male menopause, or andropause, is often triggered when men reach their 40s.
In fact, as many as 30% of men can expect some sort of physical change to their bodies when they reach this age. But with such little exposure to information, this sudden shift in mental attitude and physical ability can come as a real shock.
In this guide, we’ll discuss all aspects of the male menopause. From spotting the early signs, to finding out what you can do to alleviate the symptoms, find out what you can do to tackle the challenges of the andropause.
Click on the chapter headings below to access the detailed content of this extensive guide.
Chapter 1 – Understanding the male menopause
- The impact of testosterone on a man
- Male menopause – fact or fiction?
- Differences between male and female menopauses
Chapter 2 – Changes to your body caused by male menopause
- What are the symptoms?
- Diagnosing male menopause in someone
- Changes which occur in your body
Chapter 3 – Impact of the male menopause on mental health
- The direct effect of male menopause on mental health
- The indirect effect of male menopause on your mental health
Chapter 4 – Treating male menopause
- Testosterone replacement therapy
- Finding a healthy diet
- Getting the right level of exercise
- Secondary sources
- Useful links
Article provided to amacfoundation.org by Optimale Southampton Clinic.
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