History and Overview – Part 1
Streaming seems like a complicated subject, but we come across it daily. As a society, we are constantly immersed in entertainment technology, often including videos, TV shows, and so on.
Brief History
Everyone loves a good TV show or movie from time to time. But with major changes over the years, the experience is no longer the same. Gone are the days of rushing home in time for a prime time special, let alone planning bathroom breaks around TV commercials.
It all seems sudden, but the change into streaming has been gradually happening for years. Beginning in the 1990s, streaming rose to the occasion of providing on demand service. In the 1995 MLB playoffs, the internet radio of ESPN streamed the New York Yankees versus the Seattle Mariners. Then, in 2005, YouTube launched which signaled the change from only large companies and corporations streaming to the everyday person being able to connect and share videos from anywhere in the world.
In 2007, Netflix switched from mailing movies back and forth with their customers to leading their clients to the computer, which has now expanded to TVs. In 2016, Facebook began their “Live” videos which has spread throughout most other social media platforms.
Recent Usage
By the time the 2020 COVID pandemic arrived, about 33 percent of internet users had some interaction and experience with streaming through online gaming or social media “Lives.” That number exploded as the pandemic continued. In fact, WOWZA reported a 1,300 percent increase in minutes streamed for live health and fitness videos and a 980 percent increase in minutes of eLearning videos streamed due to lifestyle change during the pandemic.
After covering the history and ever evolving timeline of streaming, it is evident it has been around longer than we realize. With that, the question that remains is: Why are there still so many questions?
More to Come!
Streaming Videos, TV Shows, & More Part 2 will cover some basics on how it works. Stay tuned!
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