Our AMAC Foundation family extends to you a sincere wish for peace, joy, and happiness this Christmas Holiday Season. We’re just wrapping up our sixth year in service to America’s seniors, and we’re looking excitedly toward 2020 and beyond as we grow our organization and extend our reach both locally here in Central Florida and nationally. We have several new initiatives on the drawing board, and we’ll continue to expand our existing service platform as the need grows. Watch our News and Events pages for announcements as we firm up the details for new projects.
All in all, it’s been a fantastic six years for us, and it’s been a pleasure to get to know many of our extended family members. Your interest in what we do and your support as we undertake our mission is what keeps us going, and we thank you all for that!
In the spirit of the Season, we thought it might be of interest to our readers to share an article from a 2014 edition of AMAC’s member magazine. Check out this week’s Foundation blog post to access the article–a sort of retrospective on some of the historical aspects of Christmas. We felt it would be appropriate to make it available again through our website. Just click the blog post and you’ll see a reprint of the article. Enjoy!
We are interested in your organization. We refuse to give our $ to aarp. Thanks for offering an alternative.
Thanks for the contact and the comments! I will have our Membership Services folks contact you to provide any information you might need.
Gerry Hafer
Amac Foundation, Inc.