Today is our annual celebration of nationhood and to many of us, the observation of this Holiday represents a time of reflection and participation in a wide variety of festivities taking place all around us. Although it’s been 246 years since Congress put pen to paper, signing the United States Declaration of Independence, the spirit and emotion accompanying the signing of the document commemorating the legal separation of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain remain in evidence via the display of patriotism we see dring this mid-summer celebration.
The staff here at the AMAC Foundation shares this spirit of dedication to our country’s way of life, and we welcome our role in supporting and educating America’s seniors in everything we do. This time of the year is one in which all of us again applaud patriotism–a temperament we’re fortunate to see week in and week out as we deal with those who we believe constitute a silent majority in this great country.
That’s why it’s appalling to see one of our major cities lead off this tremendous weekend of patriotism with a public message citing our country’s current woes as reason to refrain from celebrating. We feel differently, and we hope that our readers do, as well. And to help nudge you in that direction, we’ve included in this post a rendition of our national anthem that showcases the extraordinary talent of a seven-year-old patriot. Her name is Malea Emma, and the recording of her performance at a recent LA Galaxy game in the Major League Soccer Western Division was forwarded to us by one of our followers, and we just couldn’t resist sharing it with you. Check it out here.
And with that, Happy Fourth of July!
Awesome voice. Beautiful little girl. Great sentiment. God bless America.