As technology improves, caregivers are able to use a linked smart home to assist them in caring for their vulnerable loved ones.
For caretakers, smart home technology[1] may help relieve stress by offering assistance as well as peace of mind. Smart home technology may help to create a safe and secure environment for loved ones while also assisting those who are caring for others.
Whereas a smart home may assist in keeping your loved ones safe, it is not intended to replace professional care, but rather to relieve some of the burdens off your shoulders.
In this post, we’ll look at how a smart home may help caretakers of elderly patients and people who require assistance. Click here to find out more about smart home technology.
Bringing peace of mind
An individual’s steps, heart rate, sleep habits, and other actions may all be tracked in real-time using wearables and smart home technologies. Situational indications, including when the bathroom light was switched on or how often the door was opened during the day, can be used if the provider so wishes. All of these elements are combined in the cloud and given to the caregiver via a dashboard.
The combined picture alerts providers as well as caregivers to who has strayed from their baselines and who has been straying in a negative way, allowing them to intervene or conduct an evaluation.
Keep an eye on someone with a home security camera
Adding a home security camera allows you to monitor elderly patients at any time and from any location. These cameras link effortlessly to your smartphone, allowing you to keep an eye on your house at all times. Smart home cameras frequently have a two-way communication function, allowing you to communicate with your loved ones while also allowing them to communicate with you.
Most homeowners, especially those living alone or are of advanced age, may be concerned about medical issues. If your elderly mother lives alone or is prone to falls, installing a remote video source will help you to keep an eye on her and see if she requires assistance.
Recognize whenever anyone leaves the house
Recognize whenever anyone leaves the house Those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia frequently lose track of basic information such as their name and address, and get disoriented, even in familiar surroundings.
When you install sensors, for example, door sensors or window sensors, you will receive notifications via an app when a door or window is opened. This can assist to alleviate the worry of not knowing whether your loved one has walked off, and it will allow caregivers to respond much more quickly if this occurs.
Maintain a pleasant temperature:
Maintain a pleasant temperature: A smart thermostat will remember your preferred temperature settings and change them automatically during the day. Caregivers may also use their smartphones to regulate the temperature using a smart gadget while they are away.
Controlling the heating and cooling in a home setting relieves caregivers of one more worry while also lowering energy expenses. If your loved ones wish to alter the temperature on their own, they may simply do so by controlling their smart devices with their voice assistant, such as Google Assistant.
Improved daily tasks
In terms of basic care, caregivers want to ensure that their loved ones have the tools and all resources they need to be comfortable in their home setting. When light is turned on in the night, when dark, draw curtains, or when the temperature lowers switch on the heating, they’re all activities that senior family members find it hard to accomplish by themselves. With a house with connected intelligent technology, caregivers may manage these gadgets to create a more enjoyable atmosphere.
Increased safety level
Making sure your family is safe at home is a challenging job. You can watch your main door using your smartphone or tablet by installing your video doorbell. If a person pushes the doorbell or approaches a home, the video doorbell can transmit an alarm. Doubling as a house security camera allows you to verify who is at the door and to install a video doorbell without getting up to respond. You may utilize the gate for two-way communication to connect with guests.
Control potentially harmful appliances or electronics
We all have a propensity to forget things, regardless of our age. You could spend your time away from home fretting that they haven’t turned off the oven or turned off the water. Caregivers may turn off and manage these appliances from their smart devices thanks to remote management in smart home technologies. When a fire, gas, as well as water leak, is discovered, emergency detectors and sensors can notify the resident, caretakers, or emergency services. Caregivers can also install a smart home system that will turn off the gas or water supply in the residence automatically.
Control your entire smart home
The smart home will provide a safe and healthy environment for older patients with the assistance of caregivers. This will help make their transition to independence much smoother. There are numerous advantages to having a smart house. You can, for example, use your smartphone to turn on the lights or unplug a plug. You’ll be able to monitor elderly patients from anywhere in the house using your smartphone.
Smart home technology is more than just convenient. For older individuals who have trouble getting about or recalling schedules, hands-free, as well as app-controlled gadgets, can make life at home safer and simpler. Users may modify gadgets using smart home technology depending on their schedules and preferences. The greatest smart technology connects devices to form a complete network. You can set up automatic devices in series inside a network. For instance, the light of the bathroom can be activated when a motion sensor in the passageway senses movement. Or the door can be locked on a timer to allow an attendant. Regardless of if the loved ones live close or far, intelligent home solutions may help the elderly and their caregivers to live easier.
Article specially written for amacfoundation.org by the good folks at Avisio (RF Digital Systems)
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[1] https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/smart-home.asp
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