Whether you’re planning ahead or need to make an unexpected decision, there’s a lot to think about when choosing the right nursing home for you or your loved one. Medicare.gov makes it easy to find and compare nursing homes in your area.
Personalize your results by filtering the options that matter most to you — including inspection results, location, number of beds, and more.
Compare Nursing Homes
Here’s what else you can do when comparing nursing homes:
- Check out their overall star ratings. The overall rating is based on a nursing home’s performance on 3 sources: health inspections, staffing, and quality of resident care.
- View detailed staffing data, including the staffing hours of different types of staff and staff turnover rates.
- See COVID-19 vaccination rates for residents and staff at nursing homes in your area.
- Find nursing home contact information and directions.
Visit Medicare.gov for more information about nursing homes, and what Medicare does and does not cover.
This information is provided to the public by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It was created and distributed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
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