Deciding when to claim Social Security is an important decision, because it affects your financial income during retirement. Naturally, most people want to maximize their retirement income, so getting the most possible from Social Security is a laudable goal, but it’s made more difficult when incorrect advice is received. Such is the case in this recent Ask Rusty article where a wife explains that the couple’s financial advisor told them the husband should first file and then subsequently suspend his benefits in order for his monthly amount to grow. As Rusty explained in his response to the question, suspending benefits does, indeed, allow benefits to grow, but that growth happens automatically anyway by simply delaying claiming of benefits, so there is no reason to first file for benefits and subsequently suspend. As explained in this Encore Edition of a past Ask Rusty article, the best way to achieve your maximum Social Security benefit is to simply wait until later to claim it. Read the printed version of this Ask Rusty article at this link.
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