Courtesy of our contacts at InternetAdvisor.com, a research firm offering a substantial clearinghouse of information designed to aid in the investigation and selection of internet service providers, we have been provided access to their “Internet Fraud – Statistics and Facts for 2022.” The material presented in this document provides a comprehensive update on the topic of Internet Fraud, focusing on its origins, its rapid growth, and the extent of its damages, along with updated facts and figures showcasing how pervasive this problem has become.
Beginning with extensive definitions of Internet Fraud’s various manifestations and extending through an analysis of actions that can be taken to prevent falling victim to this scourge and what to do if you are victimized, the material makes for a good read on the subject for anyone researching this area for either personal or business purposes. Here’s a brief overview of the publication, excerpted from their online content:
“Internet fraud is one of those things that can be hard to define and talk about, but everyone knows it exists. You almost certainly know someone who has been affected by it, even if they haven’t mentioned the issue. There are simply so many scams, instances of identity theft, and attempts that it is just a standard part of life to protect yourself against it.
And yet while it remains a constant as a concept, the details constantly change as technology improves and expands, and as cybercriminals change up their efforts in an attempt to find greater success. It is a never-ending battle, and cybersecurity and antifraud experts know this. A new scheme is born every day, and all it takes is one successful one to cause a lot of problems. That means that it is important to refresh yourself on the specifics and changes every once in a while and to simply remind yourself that staying vigilant is important to your safety.”
To access the full document, click here…
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