Are you struggling with problems related to your alcohol use or even an alcohol addiction? Maybe you tried quitting on your own, but it just didn’t seem to work. You may go a few days or weeks without using. But, before you know it, an unexpected setback causes you to retreat to your old habits.
Or maybe you’re worried about a loved one. Has their alcohol use negatively affected your family? Do they say they don’t have a problem or make excuses for their behavior, but you can see how it is slowly destroying their life?
Alcohol is a powerful, addictive substance. Even worse, it is readily available in just about any grocery, convenience, or corner store. This makes something as simple as driving down the street a trigger for using alcohol.
Some people wait until disaster strikes. When alcohol use gets so out of control it destroys their career, family life, and causes health problems. While an alcohol helpline can be helpful in these situations, you shouldn’t wait this long to call. After all, isn’t it better to take care of a problem before it gets out of control?
So, as a critical resource for anyone needing to better understand alcohol addiction, either from a personal perspective or on behalf of a loved one, Drug Helpline has made available its guide to alcohol addiction, which you can access here. The Drug Helpline is a national organization dedicated to making a positive change in the lives of those struggling with addiction. The guide is written by Dr. Jennifer Merrill, an Associate Professor in the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Brown University. She received her PhD in 2012 from the University at Buffalo, and is a licensed clinical psychologist in Rhode Island.
Information made available for amacfoundation.org as a community service by Drug Helpline.
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