As we said last week in our Christmas greeting, “To say it’s been a tough year would be a severe understatement,” and now, as 2021 arrives, we find ourselves looking toward a better year ahead! Without question, the year we just exited was one of incredible upheaval and uncertainty, and it would be naive to say the problems are all behind us at this point.

But it’s not a time for despair. As AMAC National Spokesman Robert Charles said in a recent post, “… the future is exciting – sometimes in good ways, sometimes just fielding the unexpected.” The “unexpected” was prevalent in 2020, for sure, and it’s likely going to be a way of life for at least some part of the coming year.

So what do you do? Here’s a thought…Let your New Year’s resolutions take the simple form of resolving to adapt to what lies ahead, apply yourself to making the most of it, and remain focused on appreciating the world around you. Most importantly, hold your family and friends dear. As has been said often over the past year, we’re all in this together.

God Bless all of you, and good luck in the coming year!