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Former South Dakota Lt. Gov. Matt Michels/South Dakota Searchlight


State: South Dakota


BY:  – AUGUST 11, 2024 11:45 AM 

SIOUX FALLS — South Dakota’s voter turnout has disappointed some military veterans.

Former Lt. Gov. Matt Michels, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, has launched an initiative urging citizens to “Vote in Honor of a Veteran,” emphasizing the sacrifices made by military personnel to secure the democratic rights Americans enjoy.

“We always think that government is ‘they,’ but it really is ‘us,’” Michels said. “We the people.”

Michels shared the pitch Saturday to a crowd of about 100 during the annual USS South Dakota Day of Honor in Sioux Falls. He handed out sheets of stickers showcasing the slogan to fellow veterans, who were enthusiastic about the effort.

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Posted – 8/12/2024