Social Security Advisory Service Going Strong
Our six-member staff of Advisors is continuing to provide a popular and critical service to constituents aging into Social Security eligibility, those having questions about their participation in the program, or those just plain interested in understanding how the program works. In fact, we anticipate that later this month we will reach another substantial milestone in the level of service to AMAC members and to the public...25,000 counseling sessions provided to folks desperate for guidance on this critical program. The significance of this lies in the trajectory, since it took 51 months from the point we launched the service in 2016 to reach 10,000, then only 20 months to reach the 20,000 level, and now less than a year to surpass 25,000.
Numbers are one thing, and while they do serve to quantify the demand we're handling, we also focus on the quality of the service we provide. The quality assurance program we operate tells us we're hitting the mark in that regard, with 97% of those we surveyed reporting complete satisfaction with the service provided, and the remaining 3% indicating they were at least partially satisfied. In addition, 100% of the respondents report complete satisfaction with the speed in which their inquiry was handled. What makes these statistics even more rewarding is the fact that we realize a response rate of over 50% on our surveys...a response rate far beyond what most similar surveys can expect to achieve.
Beyond the numbers, we are also gratified by the comments we receive from those we've helped. Here's a sampling of some that are particularly expressive:
- Thank you for the most concise and clear explanation I have received to-date regarding Social Security. This info will definitely affect my decisions going forward. I plan on taking advantage of some of the resources on your website. I will also be sharing this organization with numerous friends who have also experienced Social Security confusion.
- I wanted to tell you how great the SS Advisory team is. They go above and beyond to assist you with the information you need in a timely manner. In addition to that, the team follows up to make sure they have answered all your questions. The Advisory team is the best resource that I have ever seen, and they should be recognized for all they do.
- As always, your prompt, kind, and accurate information is so truly appreciated. I can't thank you enough for helping guide us through this process. You are indeed a Godsend! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!
- You are indeed gifted with the talent of making complex things clear and concise. You have helped my wife and I in this transitional process with a peace of mind going into this pivotal time of our lives.
"Well done is better than well said."
-Benjamin Franklin-
ATTENTION SHOPPERS! You can help the Foundation!
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Just in case you're starting some early Christmas shopping, we want to remind you of a way you can help us cover some of the cost of the services we provide to the public. As we reported before, many of our readers are aware of Amazon Smile, the online retailing giant's approach to generating revenue for charitable organizations. So, we're again shining a light on this opportunity by doing whatever we can to remind folks of this simple way to help finance the Foundation's growth. We're not actually advertising on behalf of Amazon - we don't do that for any vendor - but for those who shop on Amazon anyway, it's a painless way to support our Foundation.
AmazonSmile - You shop. Amazon gives. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon donates to your favorite charity.
Simply use this link--https://smile.amazon.com/ch/32-0312372--when you shop at Amazon, and they'll do the rest, contributing 0.5% of the purchase price to our Amac Foundation.

August Seminar Schedule
Attention Veterans! Learn How to Combine and Access Your Healthcare Records Into a Single Easy-to-Use App!
The DrOwl seminar scheduled originally for July 20 has been rescheduled for Wednesday, August 24, starting at 10:00 am. As mentioned previously, this session will focus on explaining a tool to help Veterans integrate their Veterans Administration-based health records with their external health care records to achieve a more cohesive health history for themselves and their families. The DrOwl organization has created a landing page specifically for AMAC visitors, which can be accessed here...
One More Day Straight Talk with Dr. Matthew Miller, Head of Suicide Prevention, VA
This webinar event is presented by One More Day Inc., a Veteran-Operated nonprofit VSO/MSO dedicated to ending the loss of our nation’s cherished Veterans at the hands of suicide. The AMAC Foundation is partnering with One More Day as part of the AMAC Veterans 2021 Project. If you have any questions, or to register for this event, please contact One More Day Suicide Prevention at 208-600-4571 or visit their website at http://www.suicide-prevention.org or Facebook.com/onemoreday.
Choosing the Assisted Living Facility that Best Fits Your Needs (August 31 - 10:00 am)
The issue of selecting an assisted living facility for yourself or someone you care for is an extremely important topic for so many of our constituents, and since we are aware of the level of apprehension one faces when starting to think about the issue, our public seminar series is providing a session focused totally on tips and techniques to consider when facing this task. The session will be conducted by Rhonda Hardy, author of "How to Choose the Best Assisted Living," and she will share the tips and techniques she’s compiled into her extensive publication. For more information on this topic and Rhonda’s book, check out the July 19 "News" post on our Foundation website.
Additional details are available for these scheduled events on our Foundation website. For more information and to register, contact the Foundation office at 888-750-2622.

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