Foundation Staff Participates in AMAC Action National Conference
The AMAC Foundation was well-represented at the 2022 AMAC Action National Conference last month in Orlando, Florida. In addition to staff maintaining an information table in the Wyndham Grand's main concourse (see photo below), Gerry Hafer and Russ Gloor participated as presenters on the program's agenda, covering a variety of Foundation and Social Security topics.
Overall, the Conference was a huge success for AMAC's delegate and chapter programs, with over 300 participants registered for the event. Opening with an address by Donald Trump Jr. on Thursday May 19, the program started strong and finished equally strong. Along the way, participants heard from 26 separate speakers and presenters covering a wealth of information eagerly absorbed by AMAC's conservative membership, with remarks by legendary Scott Hamilton, award-winning international journalist Sara Carter, best-selling author Nick Adams, national radio talk show host Ben Ferguson, economics journalist Stephen Moore, global business diplomat Michael Maibach, NAAV Vice Commander Keith Kiefer, senior business executive John Ramsey, political campaign consultant Heather Sellers, and renowned writer and lecturer Mike Kapic. In addition to all that, participants were enriched by remarks, discussions, and presentations by "AMAC insiders" Tony Dolan, Bobby Charles, Alex Ayres, and Palmer Schoening, along with AMAC staff members Jeff Szymanski. Carl Hohsfield, Terri Haverly, and AMAC Executives Rebecca Weber, Dave Weber, and Kurt Meyer.
Video recordings of segments of the Conference proceedings will be released over the next few weeks...watch for them on the AMAC Action website!
"Teamwork is not a game for the selfish. It is for those with the mindset that a win for one is a win for all."
-Michael Bassey Johnson-
The Book of Maxims
Veteran Outreach Efforts Continuing to Expand
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The AMAC Foundation continued to expand its involvement in Veteran support, with a major step forward in May involving the issuance of formal invitations to eight major Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) to join in a collaboration effort. In the formal invitation letter to the selected VSOs, AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber described the initiative's objective as an effort to promote "synergism between and among organizations similarly dedicated to building a stronger, more focused voice for the Veteran community." The initial VSOs requested to consider joining AMAC in this initiative include:
- American Veterans (AMVETS)
- Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
- Gold Star Wives of America
- Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA)
- Gary Sinise Foundation
- Tunnel to Towers Foundation
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
- Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA)
It is hoped that these VSOs will consider joining with similar organizations with whom AMAC already has a working relationship (One More Day Veterans, Lone Survivor Foundation, Association of the U.S. Navy, American Legion, etc.) in forming an alliance and sharing our objective of further enhancing the lives of our cherished Veterans and their families. Stay tuned for periodic updates on our progress in this major effort!

Welcome, Paulette McBride!
On Monday, May 2, our Foundation staff welcomed the arrival of a new member, Paulette T. McBride of Wildwood, FL. Paulette assumed the position of Administrative Assistant, responsible for handling many of the day-to-day activities in support of local operations. In addition to coordinating the logistics for our various public seminar programs -- both in-person and virtual/live-streamed -- Paulette will be responsible for handling correspondence for the Foundation office, interaction with the public at our Lady Lake office, and maintaining Foundation's various information records and files.
Paulette's background includes decades of experience in office workflow organization and administrative support. Prior to joining the AMAC Foundation, Paulette concluded an 18-year affiliation with the Florida Bar, where she served in an administrative supervisory position in the Bar's Tampa office. Prior to that, she served as Executive Assistant to a Regional Vice President at Verizon, handling a variety of coordination activities among multiple offices. Paulette loves being able to assist people, support office staff and direct in-coming callers to those who can help them. She is excited and eager to take on this new endeavor and feels fortunate to being given access to a world of information provided by the AMAC Foundation to seniors.
Please join me in welcoming Paulette to our staff!

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