Social Security Update - 2022 Edition Video Now available
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On Thursday, March 3, our Social Security Advisory staff conducted its annual Update Seminar at the Lady Lake Library. As with our normal practice, the seminar was live streamed for remote access, and the session was recorded for posting on the Foundation's website. To view the two-hour video, visit the website's "Videos" page and, if you'd like a copy of the presentation materials used during the seminar, contact the Foundation office (888-750-2622 or via email at and we'll send you a PDF of the slides.
The photos below provide a visual recap of the event: (top , the main presenters [L-to-R] Eileen Cook, Arlene Sharp. Ken Baron, and Russell Gloor); middle, moderator Gerry Hafer); bottom, Ken Baron addressing the audience.

Foundation Launches New Social Security Program
Our experiences with the Google for Non-Profits campaign over the past year have demonstrated that the preferred way to deliver tips and techniques about complicated programs like Social Security is via audio recordings. Our "Ask Rusty" weekly program, for example, was greatly enhanced with the addition of an audio release made available to radio stations and loaded on our website for visitor access, and the recorded versions of the daily drivetime program we ran a while ago on Washington, D.C. Metro-area radio station WFAX continue to generate considerable traffic for our Social Security Advisory Service.
With the success of audio as a communication medium, we continued to look for ways to deliver Social Security information in a format more conducive to public interest (let's face it...reading back and white reports about something like Social Security can lean toward boring!). And we hit upon another approach that we're trying out starting this month...a program designed to present 1- to 2-minute Social Security related facts and tips, condensed in a way that intends to attract attention. Initially, the brief recording will be posted on the Foundation's Facebook page, and later stored on the Foundation website's "Audios" page with keyword searchability.
The program will launch in mid-March, so let us know what you think!
